SELweb Alignment: Move This World for xSEL Labs
“We know that social emotional learning requires explicit instruction and opportunities for practice, just like academic content areas. When assessment and curriculum are used together, in a meaningful and thoughtful way, students benefit." - Sara Potler LaHayne, Move This World
Find a sample of Move This World videos and their corresponding xSEL Labs competency to strengthen SEL skills with your students.
Download a sample of the xSEL Labs & Move This World Alignment Guide for the early elementary school curriculum here.
Competency: Emotion Recognition
Grades: K through 3
In the Feel Wheel, students practice identifying and expressing their feelings by reflecting on how they would feel in a variety of scenarios.
What’s the Diff?
Competency: Social Perspective Taking
Grades: K through 3
In What’s the Diff?, we practice celebrating the similarities and differences in our classroom and our communities.
Mirror, Mirror
Competency: Social Problem-Solving
Grades: K through 3
In Mirror Mirror, we practice active embodied listening in order to understand when we should lead and when we should follow.
The Beatbox
Competency: Self-Control
Grades: K through 3
In Beatbox, we practice mindfulness, active listening and managing our impulses. When we listen actively we are more likely to stay engaged.
The Emo Show
Competency: Emotion Recognition
Grades: 4 through 6
In The Emo Show, we practice communicating and expressing our emotions nonverbally to help the people around us understand what we are feeling and so that we can better understand others’ feelings, too.
The Pat on the Backs
Competency: Social Perspective-Taking
Grades: 4 through 6
In The Pat on the Backs, we build community by recognizing the strengths of others in our community.
The Way To Go’s
Competency: Social Problem-Solving
Grades: 4 through 6
In The Way To Go’s, we reflect on the challenges we face and think about words of encouragement to uplift and support our peers.
We’re Emoging
Competency: Self-Control
Grades: 4 through 6
In We’re Emoging, we reflect on some of the strategies and coping mechanisms that we might already be using to help manage emotions.