What do you enjoy most about being an educator?
My teaching philosophy is “The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.” Teaching is a form of love for me. It is through engaging and safe classrooms that students learn of their true power as leaders and thinkers. In these safe spaces children gain life skills to build the lives they dream of.
What was your favorite school subject growing up?
My favorite subject growing up was ceramics. Having access to a quality arts education program changed my life as a learner. Ceramic arts was a creative outlet that allowed me to grow in confidence as a young woman. It was through ceramics that I became involved in an after school arts program that was my first true stint at being a teacher and I fell in love!
What influenced you most to become a teacher?
My career in education was a calling. During my transition to an elite high school, I experienced first hand the education gap that divides our society based on socio-economic status and race. The transition taught me that that not all students in NYC (and many other parts of our country) were receiving a fair and rigorous educational experience. I became a teacher to provide students access to quality education and to be part of a movement to revitalize our education system for all students.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
The best pieces of advice I have be given are at this point woven together in my memory but their message is this: Follow your heart, trust in God, and work hard. Everything you imagine for yourself is possible with action and faith.
What your favorite way to relieve stress?
My favorite stress relief hands down is my dog! His face is enough to wash away all worries. Working out, particularly weight lifting and yoga, is my second favorite outlet for stress.
What’s one activity/hobby/ritual you do regularly to support your own emotional wellbeing?
I start and end each day doing something for myself. When I wake up, I meditate over my coffee and do yoga. At the end of the day, I make sure to prioritize self-care by going to the gym or I dedicate time to my creative projects. This helps to keep me grounded and balanced.
What do you like most about partnering with Move This World to practice emotional management with your classroom each day?
I love the interactive and engaging content Move This World creates and how strongly aligned it is to my belief in teaching the whole child. I believe the lessons of self-awareness and regulation children learn now will serve them throughout their lives, shaping the next generation of world healers. My students also love the songs and routines! “Celebrate yourself” is our favorite emoger!
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