Dr. Sonia Matthew, Vice Principal

Name: Dr. Sonia Matthew

Role: Vice Principal

District: Mary B Neal Elementary

State: Maryland

Dr. Sonia A. Matthew is an Elementary Vice Principal and a Nationally Board-Certified Teacher. She has also served as a classroom teacher, Talented and Gifted Coordinator, Reading Specialist and is approaching her 25th year in Education. Dr. Matthew is a proud Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Master Teacher and serves on the Maryland State Superintendent’s Department of Education Gifted and Talented Advisory Council. She is originally from Ottawa, Canada and has served in school districts in Canada, Texas, and is currently in Maryland.

SEL is the most important aspect of educating children. Students must be ready to learn and stay ready. In order to do this, educators must have an active SEL toolkit to equip and empower students to be ready to be the best versions of themselves, academically and non-academically.