New Third Party Research findings demonstrate academic improvements

Independent third party research provides compelling evidence of Move This World’s effectiveness in enhancing academic performance and social and emotional competencies among students.

African American boy writing at his desk


Schools that used Move This World showed LARGER growth in academic achievement in both ELA and Mathematics.

Students that engaged with Move This World showed LARGER growth in SEL competencies compared to the control group.

Schools using Move This World observed INCREASED use of and identification of self-management strategies during times of conflict and stress.


A recent evaluation by an external research team explored the impact of Move This World’s curriculum on academic achievement and social and emotional skills. The study employed a quasi-experimental design, evaluating 14 districts in Michigan in the 2022-2023 school year and found the following:

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This report presents a comprehensive evaluation of the Move This World (MTW) SEL program, conducted in partnership with Northwest Education Services in Michigan. xSEL Labs served as an external evaluator and as such designed the study, analyzed the data and wrote this report.


The evaluation of the Move This World SEL program across participating districts in Michigan provides compelling evidence of its effectiveness in enhancing social and emotional competencies and academic performance among students in grades K-3. Despite initial baseline differences, the MTW group demonstrated larger growth in SEL competencies and academic outcomes compared to the control group. This growth is particularly significant in light of the program’s integration within the regular school curriculum and its alignment with CASEL’s  (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) prescribed core competencies and SAFE (Sequenced, Active, Focused, Explicit) elements.

Eastside Union

Doing the 10 Emoger gestures with my students
helps us to bond in class

Eastside Union School District
Napier Elementary

It's impacted the way that they feel about school, it's impacted their routine... It's impacted how they see themselves in school and how they see school.

Napier Elementary
Indian Head

In counseling sessions we review emogers. Also, teachers have told me stories of students remind their classmates that they can use an emoger when they are upset.

Indian Head Elementary School
Distinctive Schools Network

The on-demand training videos are the best!
So helpful with the constant onboarding of new staff.

Distinctive Schools Network
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