Research-Backed Program Impact

An evidence-based, engaging, and easy-to-use PreK-12 MTSS-aligned curricula
that doesn’t stop at students.

Move This World’s impact is validated through independent, third-party research demonstrating improved academic achievement, behavior outcomes, and social-emotional competencies.

Increased Academic Achievement in Schools Using Move This World


  • Over the course of the school year, academic results for ELA and Math improved 10% more in schools using Move This World than in control schools.
  • Emotional recognition and social problem solving assessments improved more in schools using Move This World than in control schools


  • School Year: 2022-2023
    • Participants:
      • 14 School Districts
      • 27 Schools
      • 4,233 Students
      • Grades K-3

ESSA Tiers of Evidence

MTW’s recent research study meets the criteria for the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)
Tier 2- Moderate research. ESSA Tiers of Evidence provide schools and districts with a
framework for understanding the efficacy of programs and interventions ESSA Tiers of Evidence helps to ensure that district and school leaders can choose evidence-based interventions that have a higher likelihood of improving student achievement.

Study Design

Well-designed and well-implemented quasi-experimental study, meets What Works Clearinghouse standards with reservations

Results of Study

Statistically significant positive
effect on a relevant outcome

Findings from Related Studies

No strong negative findings from experimental or quasi-experimental studies

Sample Size & Setting

At least 350 participants, conducted in more than one district or school


Similar population or setting to your setting

Improved Behavioral Outcomes Through Consistent Implementation


  • Schools using Move This World 3+ times per week saw a 28% decrease in behavioral incidents
  • High-usage classrooms maintained stable suspension rates while control groups saw 60%+ increases
  • Special education students and English language learners showed particularly strong improvements


  • School Year: 2018-2019
    • Participants:
      • 2,250 Students
      • 8 Elementary Schools
      • Title 1 Schools
      • Diverse student population


Schools implementing programs 3+ times weekly saw 28% decrease in behavioral incidents. Sporadic usage showed minimal impact.

ELL and Special Education students showed significant behavioral improvements with consistent programming, suggesting preventative approaches help reduce discipline disparities.

10% greater improvement in Math and ELA demonstrates strong link between mental health support and academic achievement.

Reduced behavioral incidents and stable suspension rates translate to more instructional time and reduced administrative burden.