Nashville, Tennessee
Number of Students: 86,000
Number of Schools: 168
Metro Nashville Public Schools began prioritizing social emotional learning in 2011, when they started their partnership with the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL). The goal was to help them confront obstacles such as student discipline and stress. Since that time, MNPS has adopted evidence-based trauma-informed programs and the district is committed to implementing an integrated, multi-tiered system of support. Every school is using one or more approaches such as social emotional learning programs, restorative practices or positive behavioral interventions.
With teacher buy in being a challenge for many districts, MNPS created a “walkthrough rubric” to support implementation of social emotional learning practices.The rubric evaluates the school wide environment, classroom instruction, as well as classroom environment, management and discipline. Additionally, every school has access to Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) training in order to support teachers in communicating with all students in a trauma-informed manner, especially those who have experienced trauma. An integral part of building healthy relationships and addressing the wellness needs of MNPS staff and students is ritualized social emotional learning. Dr. Crnobori, MNPS Coordinator of Trauma-Informed Schools, reports, “Peace Corners and Move This World have been such an important element of our trauma-informed schools SEL work, helping to promote skill building and low stress school environments. SEL strategies such as these have increased teacher capacity to co-regulate students as needed, and teach students skills to self-regulate and build self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship skills.”
Learn more about MNPS’s social emotional learning initiatives here.
**Note: Metro Nashville Public Schools currently utilizes Move This World’s social emotional learning programs and has been a partner since 2016.