To my Move This World Friends, Family and Partners:

As I reflect on 2019, it’s once again difficult to believe all that happened in just 365 days. Personally and professionally, it was a year of new beginnings and transitions. I gave birth to my second strong-willed daughter in August – making our family of four feel more like seventeen. Our Move This World family also grew, and we welcomed the expertise from veterans in the education field. We went back to the production set two separate times – once in March and again in June – to more quickly respond to feedback from students and teachers. We traveled to 23 conferences across the country and spoke to the importance of social emotional learning becoming a consistent foundational practice in every school building. Nearing the end of the year, I took a step back from my typical day to day at Move This World, dusted off my platinum hit Let’s Change The Diaper, and basically stopped sleeping for eternity as far as I can tell. I leaned in to the support of a trusted advisor while I took time away and was reminded of the true power that comes when women help women to be the best versions of ourselves in all of the roles we step into.
Around the world, the news that made headlines felt defeating at times. Rates of anxiety and depression continued to rise. Mass shootings and school safety remained at the forefront of our minds. Natural disasters like the Amazon Wildfires and Hurricane Dorian sparked international conversations around climate change. Our country’s political divisiveness continued to reach new heights.
At Move This World, we took several moments of pause as 2019 came to a close to not only reflect on the events of the past year but to refocus on our mission. Through those conversations we continued to return to the same question. How do we want our students to feel?
Our answers?
Empowered. Confident. Resilient. Safe. Loved. Accepted.
Motivated. Determined. Supported. Inspired. Hopeful.
We see that the challenges students face today are far different than what we experienced, and we know that the realities of their worlds are rapidly changing. How can we make sure they feel ready to navigate those challenges successfully?

As we continue to partner with schools and districts across the country, we are committed to developing our programming in a way that will empower students to find their passions and purpose, pursue their dreams, and face the challenges that will inevitably arise on their journeys. While the challenges of our world only grow more complex, we need to help our young people cultivate the strength to seek their goals. Whether that be fighting for climate change, becoming a pro-athlete, advocating for human rights, or embarking on a career in education, our young people are our future.
Heading into 2020, we are fully committed to realizing these aspirations alongside our partners and have been busy laying the groundwork to help get us there. Over the next 11 months you’ll see from Team Move This World:

Double our video content, once again, as we continue to collect feedback from students, teachers and administrators.
Increase our library of supplementary resources to more intentionally integrate social emotional learning throughout the school day.
Transition to a new online learning platform to improve our teachers’ and students’ experiences and increase flexibility.
Offer an SEL-competencies-based assessment through a like-minded partner to help schools continue to evaluate impact.
Launch a new website inspired by our mission and vision.
Introduce our first advisory board of teachers who will play an essential role in providing feedback on Move This World’s program and curriculum.
This year our team commits to remaining fully dedicated in our why. To remaining inspired by how we want our students to feel. We know that SEL is going to create a foundation for our young people to navigate life with personal strength alongside empathy for others. We embark on this New Year excited and eager to help more schools prioritize mental, social, and emotional wellbeing.
Together we can Move This World,