Written by Founder and CEO, Sara Potler LaHayne
Last week I had the honor of kicking off the Global Engagement Summit at Northwestern University. In sharing my personal journey as an entrepreneur with an audience of 200 eager change agents, I highlighted ten key reflections on how to ignite change in yourself and in the world. While I think all ten recommendations are valuable lessons, my last mantra in how to change the world underscores all that we do at Move This World — — “Offer value for everyone you engage with. Be empathic.”
As entrepreneurs, we continue to talk about resilience, innovation, failure, and a strong foundation. But what ties all of these learnings together is the ability to share the fire in your soul with someone else, to listen fully to what moves and motivates that person, to authentically offer support when possible, and to put yourself in her or his shoes.
If we can authentically understand each other’s dreams and struggles, we can nurture and support each other through challenges and collaborate to solve the world’s toughest problems.
The time is now. Every person can be a part of this empathy revolution. We have to dig deep to understand ourselves and those around us in order to change the world.